TOXIRAT BRODY FORTE- bait on fresh cereal paste

This product is for professionals in the field of derating because of the 0,005% concentration of the main substance, according to the European norms.

It is a very efficient raticide against mice and rats, which contains an active substance with the largest range of action based on wheat, very tempting for rodents.


·Very efficient because of its late action;

·Contains BITREX- a bitter substance that prevents the accidental consuming by humans and animals; 

· BRODIFACOUM – an active substance of latest technology with a large range of action. 


The bait is based on cereal impregnated with BRODIFACOUM , which thanks to its structure, attracts mice and rats. It is efficient and easy to use, and it becomes active right after ingestion with death appearing only after a few days, without suffering and without other rodents being suspicious about the bait. 


The bait must be stored in a closed room, which doesn’t serve for keeping food, drinks, or animal feed. Keep the bait in the original packaging, at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and humidity. Persons around the set bait must be warned to avoid touching the toxic material. After setting the product you must rigorously wash your hand with water and soap. The product is irritating to the eyes and skin and through swallowing. You must wear proper equipment.


The remaining bait and the corpses of the rodents must be gathered and buried, being toxic for animals. The packaging must be burnt and not thrown in the sewerage. The antidote for this product is the K1 vitamin.

Produs destinat utilizatorilor casnici datorită concentrației  substanței de bază în concentrație de 0,0029% în conformitate cu normele europene.

Raticid eficient impotriva soarecilor si sobolanilor,care contine o substanta activa cu cea mai larga gama de actiune pe suport de pasta proaspătă din amestec de cereale ,foarte ispititoare pentru rozatoare.

·Eficienta mare datorita actiunii intarziate;
·Contine BITREX-o substanta foarte amara,care previne consumul accidental de catre om si animale;
·BRODIFACOUM-o substanta activa de ultima generatie care are un spectru larg de actiune.

Momeala este pe suport de cereale impregnate cu BRODIFACOUM care datorita structurii sale atrage soarecii si sobolanii.Este eficient si usor de utilizat,lucrul incepe imediat ce momeala a fost ingerata dar moartea survine dupa doar cateva zile,fara suferinta,inlaturand suspiciunea pe care alte rozatoare o pot avea fata de momeli.

Momeala se depoziteaza intr-o incapere inchisa,care nu este destinata depozitarii de alimente,bauturi,furaje pentru animale.A se pastra in ambalajul original,la temperatura camerei,ferit de lumina si umiditate.Persoanele care se pot afla in preajma momelilor amplasate vor fi in mod obligatoriu atentionate pentru a nu se atinge de materialul toxic.Dupa plasarea acestui produs se spala riguros mainile cu apa si sapun.Produsul este toxic in contact cu pielea si prin inghitire,este iritant pentru ochi.Purtati echipament de protectie corespunzator.

Momeala neconsumata si cadavrele de rozatoare se strang si se ingroapa, fiind toxice pentru animale ,ambalajele se ard,a nu se arunca in canalizare.
Antidotul specific pentru acest produs este vitamina K1.