Agrosem Zahiu Ecofitoplant is a Romanian company that manufactures high-quality raticide and molluscicides meant to protect us from any kind of pests.
The product range that Agrosem Zahiu Ecofitoplant produces under the brand TOXIRAT ® has as Holder the Multinational concern Agrochem which, through its experience since 1987, reassures a high-quality standard and includes raticide and insecticides for prevention of human-veterinary.
Our company’s products aim to combat pests using optimal and long-term effects: usual pests from warehouses, shops, commercial centers, etc.
Mice and rats not only cause damage, but they are carriers of dangerous diseases for humans and they affect the general hygiene of the house or of other spaces that are dealing with an infestation.
Raticide represent an efficient and safe solution against pests. These substances act as bait for mice and rats like the house mice, black rats, European water vole, and many more species of rats and mice.
Agrosem Zahiu Ecofitoplant gives you different types of raticide. We offer raticide and insecticides in different quantities, not only in small packaging for veterinary pharmacies, chemical shops but also in big packaging for derating and extermination companies.